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Chayil: 9 Week Mentoring for Young Ladies

The word “chayil” is translated as “virtuous” or noble. In Proverbs 31, it speaks of a chayil woman or a woman of character.

CHAYIL is a mentor program geared towards young women ages 13-20 years old to encourage self-esteem, self-control, self-respect, and self-confidence. In this 9-week course, the ladies will learn about themselves as the “princesses” that God called them to be. CHAYIL will empower these ladies with the knowledge of the options that they will have in life. In these options, they will be able to make the choices to help them become tomorrow’s queens. After the end of the course, the young ladies who finished the criteria and are over the age of 16 will be honored in the Celebration of Virtue Ceremony. 


The Greatness Coach LLC.

Headquarters: Murfreesboro, Tennessee


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